Collecting contemporary children’s illustrated picture books

Regular visitors to Central Library may know that the Art & Design Library holds a historic collection of children’s illustrated books by Walter Crane, Randolph Caldecott, Kate Greenaway, and Arthur Rackham, many of which can be viewed on Capital Collections.

Ross CollinsWe’re adding to this collection with a new special collection of contemporary children’s illustrators focusing on mainly illustrators working in Scotland. Books illustrated and/or written by illustrators Catherine Rayner, Alison Murray, Debi Gliori, Mairi Hedderwick and Ross Collins are now available to view in the Art & Design Library.

Catherine RaynerExamples of children’s illustrated picture books provide a valuable resource for students of illustration and we’re hoping that the start of this new collection will inspire artists and designers both today and in the years to come.

Debi GlioriView our collection at Please note these items held in the Art & Design Library are for use in the Library only but there are plenty of lending copies available from Central Children’s and community libraries.

Children grown? Donations of picture books to this new collection can be placed with the Art & Design Library. Please contact if you wish to donate a picture book. Please note we can only accept items in good condition.

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