Love Bugs

Our latest selection of brilliant books for under fives has been chosen with Valentine’s Day in mind…

The Love Bugs by Simon Puttock
Love is in the garden air on Valentine’s Day, but Ladybird is feeling all left out. But then she gets a letter from a secret admirer. Could it really be from blue Dragonfly? Ladybird is overjoyed! And who is shy Beetle writing to? A daft but funny and heartwarming love story by Simon Puttock with fabulous illustrations by Russell Ayto.

I Love you Always and Forever by Jonathan Emmett
Longtail enjoys playing games with his daughter Littletail. Longtail is faster and cleverer than Littletail – but that will change as Littletail grows bigger. At the end of a busy day, as they curl up in their nest, Longtail reminds Littletail that one thing will stay the same. A tender celebration of love between father and daughter.

Love Splat by Rob Scotton
Splat the cat is desperate to become friends with one of the girls at school. But he’s much too shy to talk to her. However will he get her attention? Perhaps Valentine’s Day will provide the perfect opportunity?

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