For the little book lover in your life

Three brilliant books for readers under five:

Who Ate Auntie Iris? by Sean Taylor and Hannah Shaw

The feeling of anticipation is there even before you open the first page. Auntie Iris lives in a block of flats where she has wolves and crocodiles and other scary folks for neighbours. When, one day Auntie Iris goes down to put the rubbish out and didn’t come back, little Chinchilla was determined to find out what had happened to her and who was responsible.

The illustrations are very bold and attractive. The little notes dotted all over the pages help to tell the story in a humorous way. This is a good book to enjoy with your toddler.

Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins

Rosie the hen went for a casual walk one evening, effortlessly negotiating the pond, fence and other challenges on her way. The most exciting part of this story, though, is the trials of hungry fox as he sneaks after Rosie! You can’t help but feel sorry for, yes, poor fox as he clumsily moves from one disaster to another. But mostly, your child is likely to dissolve in giggles as fox’s misadventure unfolds!

One, Two, Cockatoo! By Sarah Garson

A beautiful counting book weaved into a lovely little story. Your child learns to count without even realising it! The rhymes, beautiful illustrations and a game of hide and seek make it even more of a fun read.

More recommendations soon!

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