When I go in I want it bright, I want to catch whatever is there in full sight

You will surely have heard of the mystery benefactor of book art who has been art-bombing noted cultural organisations here in Edinburgh, these last few months.

This week, we were absolutely delighted to become the seventh recipient of these anonymous works of paper art, when the artist left an exquisite sculpture of a magnifying glass hovering over a book, with a quote from poet, Edwin Morgan.  In their now trademark style, the sculptor left it for staff members to find in their own time.  The quote in the magnifying glass reflects the book, and reads “When I go in I want it bright, I want to catch whatever is there in full sight”, and the gift tag, as with the previous gifts, mentions a twitter name related to the organisation, and additionally reads “Libraries are expeansive”.

Thank you so much, mystery sculptor!  We are astonished and hugely flattered by the time and talent you have shown to illustrate your support of “Libraries, Books, Words and Ideas”.  Thank you for recognising the importance of all of these magical things, and showing it in such a magnificent way.

To see more photos of the other sculptures, click here, and do feel free to pop into Central Lending where you can see the sculpture proudly displayed!  If you want to learn more about papercrafts yourself, check out our collection here.